Email Security

Advanced Email Filtering, Control and Visibility

Email Protection allows you to set up robust policies as a first step in routing email to users. You can create detailed firewall rules based on your needs. Even set up policies for anti-virus. We also leverage user bulk mail actions to improve accuracy of future detection and classification. With a wealth of data and search tools, you can ensure your organization’s email is protected.

Impostor Email Threat Protection

Imposter attacks are hard to detect. Our Stateful Composite Scoring Service (SCSS) is a machine learning approach that searches specifically for these email threats. It uses what’s known about your unique environment, along with data, to more effectively detect and block email fraud.

Internal Mail Defense

As organization move to cloud-based email services, compromised accounts are on the rise. Internal Mail Defense can automatically scan all internal email traffic, providing a multilayered approach to looking for such things as spam, malware or phishing attacks being sent via compromised accounts. It removes these emails and provides reporting to shows which accounts have been compromised.

Email Continuity

Email downtime can be a significant hit to worker productivity. Enterprise Continuity ensures email is always available, even if your company email is down. It provides full access to users—via Outlook integration, a web portal or native mobile support. And it automatically activates in an outage, with fully automated recovery.

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